Sunday, December 28, 2014

School Christmas Program and Party

On Friday, the last day of school before Christmas break, Odyssey put on a Christmas program where each grade sang two songs for everyone.  It was kind of chaotic, but it was fun for Brock and I to go see them.

Jace was kind of far away.  He's in the blue shirt

 Then I got to go help with Nixon's class party.  There wasn't too much to do, because they just watched a movie, but it was fun to see him, and get to hang out with Jessi.  We got some snacks ready for them, and then they each got to wear jammies, and bring a blanket or pillow, or stuffed animal to class.  Nixon brought Bananas.
Nixon is way in the back

Getting popcorn, and other snacks for the movie

Here he is with his best buddies Brennan and Bode

Talon got to come with me, and wear his jammies too!  He thought it was fun to watch the movie with his big brother, and Nixon thought it was fun to have his baby brother there.

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