Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sick Momma

My mom has been really sick for the last month or so, and they could not figure out what was wrong with her!  They thought she had a UTI, so they gave her antibiotics, and when that medicine was gone, and she was still so sick, they gave her a 2nd round of antibiotics.  Still no relief!  After several days of us begging her to go to the hospital, she could finally take it no longer and went to the ER.  It ended up being kidney stones that had caused some blockage, and an infection all the way to her lungs!  No wonder!  And, there were over 30 kidney stones!!  She had to stay in the hospital for several days, and then they let her go, but then she had to go back in for surgery to remove the stones once she was well enough to do that.  The surgery went well, and she is finally on the mend, and getting back to her normal self!  We were all so relieved that they figured it out, and that it wasn't something more serious.  Julia was in town for a training for work, so we went to go visit momma at the hospital..

Then one day we went to get pedicures, because that's what we do

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