Sunday, December 28, 2014

Talon's 2nd Birthday!

I just can't believe my baby boy is 2!  It is strange to think that we have never had a baby turn two, and not have another one on the way.  There is a first time for everything!  This little man runs the house.  He is pretty spoiled, and loved by everyone in this family.  His brothers and sister love him, and love thinking they're each his favorite.  They love to ask him one by one if they are his favorite, and laugh when he says yes or no to each.  He has picked up on all kinds of things that the kids say, and one of his favorite sayings is "ee mean!"  He says it kind of sing songy, and it is adorable.  The kids each ask, "who is being mean, Talon?"  And everyone laughs when he usually says, "mommy!"  His obsession with balls continues, but he has picked up a love for Mickey Mouse along the way somewhere.  He loves when "bee baw" as he says it, is on TV, and always wants it to be on.  We thought it only fitting that we have a Mickey Mouse themed party for him.  Sometimes he can be a hand full when he just wants mommy to hold him all day, but he is generally a pretty easy going baby.  He loves playing with the big kids, and trying to do all the things they do.  When the boys were playing baseball every day, Talon was so obsessed with bats and balls and mitts.  When that was over, and they had moved on to soccer, he wanted to kick every ball he saw.  And now that they're playing basketball, he gets so excited every time he sees a hoop!  I love it, and I can't wait until he's old enough to play!
The morning of his birthday, he woke up yelling for momma and daddy like usual.  We went in, and there were 2 balloons hanging from his fan!

Then, after taking the boys to school, and going to the gym, we picked Leila up from pre school, and headed to Chili's to meet Granny and Grandpa Sanders, and Uncle Justin for lunch.
Every time I look at him in the rearview mirror, he gets so excited, and waves "Hi momma!"

He got complimentary ice cream for his birthday!

Then, when Daddy came home from work, he finally got to open some presents.


More clothes

Mickey Mouse!!

He got so excited when he was opening it!  And then just wanted to hug him!

After presents, we did what we have done for each of our kids on their 2nd birthdays.  We went to Chuck-E-Cheese!  The kids were all so excited!

This game was so funny to watch!  The handles vibrate harder and harder, and you have to see how long you can last

The main reason for going back to Chuck-E-Cheese is for this picture.  We have one from each of their 2nd birthdays, and I love it!  I have to admit though, that this year's is my favorite one!

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