Friday, December 26, 2014

WX 13th Ward Girl's Camp!

Girl's camp was so much fun!  We went to Bear Lake, and even though most of the time it was cold, and sometimes even rainy, it did warm up enough to swim a couple of times!  I took about a million pictures with my camera, and have not been able to find it since camp, so unfortunately, I only have the few pictures I took with my phone.  We had such a great time though.  I really enjoyed getting to know not only the girls better, but the leaders as well.  I have a really hard time opening up, and even talking to people, and girl's camp kind of forces you to come out of your shell since you're with them 24 hours a day for 4 days.  I am so glad I was able to go.

One night, it started pouring rain, and the lightning was so bad, so all the girls and leaders crammed into the two trailers until it settled down about a half hour later.

Helen and I were supporting our teams

All of us with our tie-dyed t shirts

The girls in our car on the way home!

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