Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year's Eve

We had a great New Year's Eve.  The day was spent at the house, except for Brock who had to work, and I just cleaned all day while the kids played.  Then, for dinner we went to the Spaghetti Factory with Grandma and Grandpa K, and Natalie and Gracie.  This has become somewhat of a tradition for us.  We've done it the last few years now.  The kids love it, and so do we!  They got a little crazy with their spaghetti and meatballs though!

Nixon thought it was more fun to not use utensils

So then Jace had to try

And Talon never uses utensils

Then Leila got in on it too

Where are the parents around here?

Leila and I were twinners with our camo pants and boots
 Then we went back to our house for games, and snacks, and playing until midnight!
Playing "Say Anything"

Another picture of the twins

Talon chased Gracie around and around saying "Ball-ee"  (belly) over and over

Nixon got in on it too

Then we went downstairs to play lightning, at Jace's request.

I won twice, even though I'm not pictured

Talon still loves his little hoop from his birthday

Then back upstairs for Heads Up

This one is kind of like charades

Then, at about 10:45 we decided to do the countdown because Grandma and Grandpa were not going to make it to midnight!

Counting down...Jace is mad because he knows it's not real

Happy New Year!

Love of my life

Then things got a little crazy!

And then within 30 minutes, Grandma and Grandpa were gone (Natalie had taken Gracie home even earlier), and the big guy was OUT!

Next was Nixon

Leila hung in there the longest!

But then all the kids were gone.  Only Brock and I made it to midnight!

2014 was good to the Keddington family.  I hope that 2015 is even better!

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