Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Sick Talon

Talon has had a rough month or so.  He has been so sick!  One night in January he woke up in the middle of the night and could hardly breathe!  He would cough, that croupy sounding cough, and just really struggled to breathe.  Brock wrapped him tight and warm, and took him outside to let the cold air open up his lungs, and then took him into the bathroom and turned on the shower to let the steam open up his airways.  Then he slept for a while, but then woke up again with the same problems, so Brock took him outside again.  He's just the best.  The next day, he still had the cough, but it went away after a bit, and he slept fine the next night so we didn't take him in.  Then the next day I noticed that he had lots of goop in his right ear, so I wondered if his eardrum had burst.  I took him in for that, and the doctor told me that it had in fact burst, and he also had pink eye, croup, and RSV!  Poor baby!  His eyes had just barely started turning pink that afternoon, so I was glad that we could get medicine for that too.  They had to do some tests to check his oxygen levels, and then they had to stick a tube down his nose into his throat to clear out mucous, and then check his oxygen levels again.  They were better, so they gave him a steroid for the croup, and sent me to the pharmacy for eye drops, ear drops, and an oral antibiotic.  Fun.

He's so happy, even when he's sick!

This is how they tested his oxygen

And these are his medications.  One teaspoon orally  for 10 days,  4 drops in his right ear twice a day for 7 days, and 2 drops per eye 4 times a day for 10 days!  Horrible!

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