Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Nixon's 7th Birthday!

What??  How is Nixon SEVEN already!  I just can't believe it!  His birthday was on a Saturday, so the Friday before I got to go to his class while he read his poster all about him.  He was pretty cute up there answering questions, and telling everyone what his favorite things are.

He had requested rice krispy treats for everyone, so I brought those, and he took them around to everyone.

Then Talon and I surprised him by staying for lunch too!

His and Jace's lunches overlap, so Jace ate with us  and some of Nixon's friends too.

Cute kids
 Then, after school Nixon was playing with his neighbor friend Cody, and another neighbor had his horse out, so they got to go for a little ride!  Then Jace and Leila got to ride too!

That night Nixon got to pick where we went to dinner for his birthday.  He chose Chili's.  His request was that since it was his birthday dinner, he got to have the table iPad the whole time!  Then the servers came and sang to him, and brought him ice cream!  Such a great day for a great boy!

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