Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Brock's Birthday - and Leila's Last T-Ball Game

Brock turned 38 this year, and we were so excited to get to celebrate with him!  The weekend before his birthday, we celebrated with his family.  I made a copy cat recipe of Olive Garden's Lemon Cream Cake, and it turned out so so good! 

Then, on his actual birthday, we had a few presents for him to open before he went to work in the morning.

I saw this cute hairstyle on one of the hair blogs I follow on Instagram, and it looked so cute on Leila!

Then, that night Leila had her last TBall game with the Emeralds.  It has been such a fun season watching her get into baseball a little more.

Just relaxing while she plays pitcher

I love that they all dogpile on the ball

And Leila got it!

Here is coach Rick giving Leila her trophy

And one last team cheer!

Leila and Austin

Grandma and Grandpa K had gone to the cabin earlier that day, but Dale had asked Jessi to pick up donuts, and make sure to embarrass Brock for his birthday.   We sure did!  We all sang to him, and then handed out the donuts.  We sure love this guy!

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