Thursday, August 13, 2015

Bunco in Mesquite! July 10-11

Jessi got an email from the Casablanca Hotel in Mesquite telling her about a Bunco tournament.  We thought it would be so much fun, so we made a weekend out of it.  It was so dang fun!  We left Friday afternoon, and spent the weekend.  It was fun to get away and spend the weekend together. 

Saturday we spent the morning by the pool.  We had to check in for the tournament at noon, so we went up and got ready, and then headed down for the tournament.

We had no idea what to expect, and were a little nervous, but it was great!  We were placed into groups of twelve, just like we play at home, and we just played with those twelve the whole 4 hours.  We played like my bunco group where you roll for ones round one, twos round two, and so on.  If you lost, you moved to the next table.  If you got a bunco you yelled it out, and someone had to come mark your score sheet.  They also had mini buncos, where if you roll three threes, when you're on ones, or three of anything but the number you're going for, it's a mini bunco.  We played several rounds, and in between each round they had raffles, and gave away prizes.  Jessi won a round of golf!  At the end of the tournament, they had whoever had the most Buncos, wins, and mini buncos in each group of 12 go to the front for prizes.  I had 24 mini buncos, so I won in our group, and got $50!  Then they had our whole group add up all our buncos, and whichever group of 12 had the most, each person won $100.  We took 2nd place for that one darn it!  Anyway, it was so much fun, and we will definitely do this again!  
About to get started

Panoramic shot of the room


We both won!

This was our group.  We were definitely the young ones of the group, but we loved it!  They were all so nice, and so much fun to play with!

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