Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Father's Day

Father's Day was spent pretty much like this...

Brock always runs Ragnar on Father's Day weekend, so he is always exhausted on Sunday.  All he wants is to sleep.  And I don't blame him!  There just aren't words to describe how much we love our daddy.  He is the very best.  Our kids are really the luckiest - and one day, they might even realize that.  

Grandpa K is such a great man.  Someone who Brock really looks up to, and he admits that he never realized just how much his dad loved him until he became a dad himself.  Dale is so selfless, and is always so willing to help us with anything we need, from babysitting, to helping get the kids to their games, to household projects and more.  There is nothing that he wouldn't do for Brock and his other kids.  He rarely misses any of our kids games, and that is saying something.  We have 3 kids in soccer and baseball, and Kallie has her two in both too!  He and Shauna try to get to every single game.  He really is the best.
Brock and Grandpa K

My dad is one of my heroes.  He is one of the kindest, funniest, most generous people I know.  He always wants to help when he can, and is here for us when we need him.  Jessi, a friend of mine, just said the other day that when he smiles, you can just feel his heart.  He is just one of the kindest, sweetest people.  And she's right.  One thing that I remember about my Grandma Sanders, his mom, is when she would laugh you couldn't help but laugh with her.  I feel the same way about my dad.  And he looks like her when he laughs.  I love this man, and I am so grateful for his example to me of what a father should be.
Me and Grandpa Sanders

Granny told me to put my head on his shoulder and pose.  It turned out lovely.

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