Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Jace's Field Day

Today I got to help with Jace's class at Field Day.  They chose Jace to be one of the team captains, so of course, his team was all boys. 

The first game was like dodge ball.  They had to run from one end to the other without getting hit

Then they had to pass a balloon between their elbows and get through the whole line without dropping it

Then they tried it with their feet.  A little harder

Then they filled a sponge with water at the front of the line, and had to pass it over their heads to the end of the line where they would dump as much water as they could into a bucket, and see which team could fill their bucket first.

Then was the 50 yard dash.  Jace's forte.  He won all of his races

And they weren't all against just girls :)

In this game they had to hold a tennis ball between their knees and hop across the field.  

Next up was tug of war

And last was sponge tag!  There were buckets on the field, and they each had a sponge that they could fill with water and try to tag other people with them.  They all got pretty soaked!

Me and my main man

Jace and his buddies trying to get warm on the cement while eating Popsicles

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