Monday, August 10, 2015

Leila is 5!

5 years ago our sweet Leila joined our family.  I feel so blessed to be her mom.  She makes me laugh every day, and has just the right amount of sass!  She loved to dance, make up songs, and have conversations with her toys.  She's surrounded by boys, so she's tough as nails, but loves all things girly too.  She's so excited for all the cool things she can do now that she's 5.  Like "cross the monkey bars, and buckle my own shoes!"  We just love our princess Leila!

She had such a fun-filled, busy birthday! 

The balloon fairy came!

She opened presents from mom and dad, and her brothers

She brought cupcakes to preschool

And they sang Happy Birthday to her

Talon and Jameson were excited about the cupcakes too!

We went with Jessi and Austin to get lunch and ice cream at McDonalds

Mommy/daughter pedicures

Then we had dinner at Chili's because "they'll sing to me, and I get ice cream!"

When I told the waiter it was her birthday, she looked at me all bashful, with a big smile, and said, "I can't believe you told him that!"

Oh how we love our Leila babe!

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