Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Leila's PreSchool Graduation

Oh my gosh!  How is my 3rd child a preschool graduate?!?  Leila has been looking forward to this day for a while now, and I just can't believe it's here.  We got her all dressed up, and hair done cute, and headed out.

Last time going in

Getting ready for the program to start
Leila got to hold the Flag and start the Pledge of Allegiance

Here she is singing

She was one of only two graduates this year!

I just love the little cap and gown.

Mommy and her princess.  Daddy was so sad that he was out of town for work, and had to miss this

Granny and Grandpa came

And so did Grandma and Grandpa K!

Leila loves her teachers - Jenn, and Grandma

Griffin  was in the program too, but he has one more year of preschool

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