Monday, August 10, 2015

President's Club! Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Brock and I were so excited that he made it to President's Club again this year.  I am so proud of him for all of his hard work, especially this last year.  He has worked extremely hard, and many many hours as the Director of Strategic Growth helping the company double in size, and it is only growing!  We were excited to hear that it was Cabo again - even though we were just in Mexico a couple of months ago!  Lucky us!

On the plane about to start our adventure

Welcome dinner

Our beautiful hotel in the background
The excursion that we chose for day one, was ranger riding on the beach and zip lining.  It was so much fun!

We relaxed at the beach afterwards

We did dinner at the hotel most nights, since it was all inclusive

The next day we just relaxed by the pool all day

At the awards dinner

Love this man

Me, Natalie Warner, and Cassidee Bowen

With our hubbies - Brady and Andy

Brock loved that there was a ping pong table at the resort, and challenged anyone and everyone

A walk on the beach

We saw this iguana at the hotel, and thought the kids would love it!

The view from our hotel

A night on the town

Sushi dinner with Brock's team

Breakfast at the hotel one last time
Relaxing by the pool before we have to go to the airport

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