Sunday, February 7, 2016

First Day of School! -Aug 24

I just can not believe that summer is over!  It always goes by way too fast.  We tried to do so many fun things, and I think our summer was so great, but I wish it was never-ending!  I can't believe that I now have 3 kids going to school!  At least Leila is only half day, but this house sure is going to be a lot quieter than it has been! 

Our big guy Jace is in 4th grade this year, and his 5th year of French Immersion

Nixon is in 2nd grade, and his 3rd year learning French

And our sweet Leila is starting Kindergarten, and her first year of French! 

That's a K with her fingers :)

Nixon and Addi are in the same class

Leila with her class

Talon was excited to be there!

Being the good mother that I am, I made cookies to be ready when they all came home.  I did something wrong, and they were totally flat!  Still good though!

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