Thursday, February 4, 2016

Nixon's Big Scare - Aug 4

Every Tuesday Leila has dance from 3-4:00, so Jessi picks Jace and Nixon up from school and drops them off at home around 3:40 until I get home at about 4:10pm.  When I was on my way home from dance, I got a call from Nicole across the street saying that Jace and Nixon were there, and they were crying because Nixon had swallowed a penny, and his stomach was hurting.  I told her to tell them to go home, and that I'd be home in 2 minutes.  I got home, and asked Nixon how he was doing, and he said his tummy hurt a little.  I had him lay down, and asked him how he swallowed a penny.  He said he was just sucking on it, and accidentally swallowed it.  Poor Jace was pretty upset.  He felt like he was going to be in trouble since he was "in charge", and was so worried about Nixon.  Jace loves his brothers and sisters (especially Nixon) so much, and worries about him anyway, so now that he had swallowed something, he was especially nervous.  His face was tear-stained when I got home, and he got all choked up whenever he would talk about it. 
Anyway, Nixon seemed to be okay, so we were planning on going to scouts with Jace, and then he said it really started hurting.  I asked him again what he swallowed, and he said, "Okay, it wasn't a penny.  It was a silver circle thing."  I immediately got freaked out thinking it could be a battery, or a magnet, or something awful that could really hurt or kill him.  I asked him more about what it looked like, and he said it was a silver circle like a penny, but it had a hole in the middle.  I figured it must be a washer, but he was really acting like he was in a lot of pain, so Brock and I decided that I'd better take him to the ER to make sure he was okay, while Brock took the other kids to scouts. 
The whole ride there Nixon was in lots of pain.  And when we got there, he could hardly talk because his stomach hurt so bad.  I was really getting nervous. 
We went in and got checked in, and they took us back pretty quickly.  While we were waiting to be seen, he seemed to be feeling better and better.  I started to feel less nervous.  They took him back to be x-rayed, and found the washer!  When I saw the Xray, I saw 4 more circles, and was about to get mad at him for swallowing not one, but 5 washers, but the technician said that those were part of his swimming suit!  Haha!  They told us to check his poop for a few days or come back in for another x-ray if we weren't sure it had come out.  We never did end up seeing it, but he never complained about it either, so we're assuming it's gone!  Whew! 

Wheeling him back to get x-rayed

The washer, and his swimming suit

I sure love this toothless little boy of mine, and I'm so glad he's okay

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