Friday, March 11, 2016

Arizona for UEA - Oct 14-19

I tried to make a trip to Arizona work just by myself to meet miss Sawyer Mae, but nothing was working out!  The flights were too expensive, and my kids' schedules are so crazy, so it's hard for me to just go.  I was getting so bummed about it, until I finally remembered that UEA was just the week after she was born, and the kids had a couple of days off school, so we could ALL go!  It's a bit of a long drive for such a short trip, but I just had to!  I was dying!  So, Wednesday after Brock got home from work, we loaded up the car, and headed to St. George for the night before making the rest of the trip Thursday morning.  We stayed at Nolan and Treo's house, but got in so late, and left so early, that we didn't even get to see the kids! 

On our way!!

 October 15th - We made it to Mesa, and went straight to Matt and Julia's house to meet this cute little one!

We stayed for a bit, and then went to the hotel to check in.  Pretty much as soon as we got there, it was swimming time!

The kids love playing with this chair, but are always on high alert making sure they don't get in trouble!

October 16 - We woke up and went on a fun little hike.  

We saw lots of cacti

Then of course, it was back to the hotel for swimming

Granny and Grandpa were there too, staying at Matt and Julia's house, so they came over to check out the hotel with Julia and Sawyer while Matt was working.
Which meant more snuggles for Aunt Jennie

T wanted to wear Daddy's hat

October 17 -
Talon likes to be Baymax - or the bad guy from Baymax, I should say.

I told Matt and Julia that I really wanted to babysit for them so they could get out of the house - alone.  Julia has been suffering with some serious anxiety, and was so stressed about leaving her!  I know exactly how she feels, so I made them just go to lunch.  They were only gone about an hour, but I know how much even an hour is needed!  I sent her pictures while she was gone, so that she would know Sawyer was doing just fine.  

She even smiled!

Then it was back to the pool!

Granny saw how much fun we were having, and just had to join in!

Had to get a picture of these cute kids sleeping.  They get so worn out on vacations!

October 18 - We started our drive home.  Sad, but true.  Brock wanted to stop at some of his stores in Flagstaff, so we took the scenic route to St. George.  It was absolutely a beautiful drive.  

We stopped for a minute on this bridge to check it out

And these next shots were just from my phone in the car while driving.  The clouds made everything that much cooler!

We made it to St. George in time to eat a little dinner, and play with our cousins before going to bed.  Granny and Grandpa stopped at Nolan and Treo's too!

October 19 - We had to get one last swim session in before heading back to Salt Lake.  I sure love these cutest kids of ours!

We had so much fun!  I love being with my family, and I am so glad we got to meet Sawyer while she was still brand new!  Sometimes I hate that Matt and Julia live so far away, and this baby has made me realize it even more, but it does make a fun little family trip!  I just hate the thought of her growing up without us!  It makes me sad.  I miss Matt and Julia too.  They're some of my favorites, and we would have so much fun if they lived closer.  Like, there's a house for sell across the street from us closer!  Maybe one day...

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