Friday, November 18, 2016

More November

Nov 8

We celebrated Grandpa Sanders birthday on the 8th.  He is one of my favorites.  Julia and I went in on this gift for him.  A dad with his two daughters. 

Nov 19 -
Leila and her cute friends at another fun play date.  It's been so fun with these 4 girls.  I take them after school Mondays, then they go to Brinley's Tuesdays, London's on Wednesdays, and Maddie's on Thursdays.   Then I pick Leila up when I'm picking up the boys from school. She has loved it.  The other cute moms always have something fun for the girls to do, and Leila is always coming home with a craft, or treat they made.  Then they come to my house, and just play.  I'm not that mom unfortunately!

Nov 21-
Brock and I took the big boys to the Utah game.  It was freezing.  And we lost.  Bummer.

 Nov 23-
Nixon got to go to the Jazz game with his Jr. Jazz team.  They were kind of scattered around, and not all sitting by each other, but he was glad he at least got to sit by Addi, and lucky his dad went with him!

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