Wednesday, February 6, 2008


February is finally here. It seems like I have been waiting for this month forever! So much is going to happen this month for me. First of course, is Valentine's Day. I love Valentine's Day. Brock and I got engaged 5 years ago on the 14th, and although it is already a special day, it is even more special because of that. This year, I don't know what we're going to do, probably dinner at Outback. Our favorite place. It is really hard to feel pretty and sexy when you're eight months pregnant, but I'll do what I can.
Then, the 22nd is my birthday. I will be 26! One good thing about having a husband that is 5 years older than me is that no matter how old I feel like I am getting, I always feel so young around him and his old friends. Just kidding (sort of). I don't know why I love my birthday so much, but I do.
Then last, but not least, I am going to be having my baby this month. That is why I have been counting down for so long. Although this pregnancy went by so much faster than my first, I am still so ready for it to be OVER! I am not one of those women that likes being pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I feel so blessed that I have not had trouble getting pregnant and bringing these sweet babies to the world, but I don't really like all that comes with it. I am due March 7th, but my doctor said she will take me a week early, and depending on how I am dilating and so forth, she may even take me earlier. I am so excited! I have an appointment next Tuesday, the 12th, and I will know more then.
As excited as I am about having this baby, I am scared, and even a little bit sad. I know that I am going to have to give this baby most of my attention for the first little while, and I really feel like I am going to miss Jace. I don't ever want him to feel like he is being ignored or coming in second, but I don't know how to handle that. I hope that I am over thinking this, and that it won't be hard for me to give them both the attention they need. I think I have made a mistake by being the first of my closest friends to have babies. I don't really have anyone who can give me advice. I feel like I have to learn by making mistakes and trying to get better with time. I guess that's how everyone does it. I have caught myself staring at Jace and wanting to hold him more. I have even cried a little bit at the thought of having to share him. As of now, I only have 3 more weeks alone with him. I will really try to cherish this time. I quit my job last week, so all I have is time with him. I hope I spend it wisely.


  1. You will be such a good Mom to both of them!! It always works out, I know I will worry about that when the time comes but people have told me that your love only expands and life only gets better! You will be great, I am so exited for you.

  2. Jenn- Your gonna do great! All my friends that have older children say that it truly comes naturally how that 2nd baby just fit's it and they say your suprised how well it all works out. Nothing like an exciting month to make it go by quicker for you! Ya know there are some pretty good tips to getting those babies out quicker ( if there ready!!) I hope your not too miserable. Don't you see Layne Smith? Or did you switch? I have heard some amazing tips on how to handle the 2nd and when they come to see you in the hospital and have to stay away from ya those few nights! If your intrested let me know.

  3. What a fun, busy month! We also LOVE Outback, the Salmon and steamed veggies are my fav! That's what Jacks got me when he proposed.
    You will do so well with two little ones. my friend just had her second, and loves it! Normally I just hear it's hard, but she likes the adjustment better than the first because you don't have to learn EVERYTHING, like we did with the first. Also, her little boy is a little over two and totally entertained with the baby.

  4. I understand your concern Jennie and I have no idea how I will feel when #2 rolls around, but I think you're such a great mom! You're so sweet to be so concerned and because you are aware of Jaces'll do all that much better and feel more comfortable...I think. I look forward to learning from you. You're a great example.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Brock! Holy Cow - I stumbled on this. I am so excited. This is your cousin James. You have a BEAUTIFUL family. From this blog I can definitely see that you are one blessed man. Why shouldn't you be? Jenn is one blessed woman too!

    I believe we have met once. (Hi Jenn! Remember me?)But that was a while ago.

    Whats your email? I got so much I want to catch up with you on. A little too much for a comment on the blog. Email me at or visit my blog at

    Man do I miss you. It's been tough for me since grandma passed. I cant think about her without feeling a lot of different things. I am wanting to re-connect with everyone now. Its pretty difficult. But I want to try.

    Email me or call. I am planning a business / personal trip to Utah for conference weekend. I would love to connect 1 to 1 or with just our immediate families.


  7. hey lady i saw julia yesterday at church and i was telling her that i am so excited for you to have your baby, i was really looking forward to seeing you this saturday but we had a change of plans. lets get together for lunch i can even drive up to your house since i am sure you are getting tired being in your last month, let me know

  8. Wow, what a busy month! I hope that all is going well with your pregnancy and hopefully it will happen this week...maybe, even on your birthday! Hang in there and I know that you will be such good mommy to both of your little ones...Jace will love his new little best friend!
