Saturday, February 2, 2008

Husband Tag!

I was tagged by Lindsey about a month ago!

What is his name? Brock Adam Keddington
How long have you been married? 5 years in May
How long did you date? A year and a half
How old is he? 30
Who eats more? Unfortunately, we eat about the same, unless we're talking about desserts and sweets, then it is me for sure!
Who said "I love you" first? Brock did. I love you too!
Who is taller? Thankfully, since I am a whole 5'2", he is.
Who sings better? Brock would never admit it, and refuses to sing in public with me, but he is really good.
Whose temper is worse? Brock's. Sorry babe.
Who does the laundry? I usually do it.
Who does the dishes? We both do.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? When looking at the bed, it's me.
Who pays the bills? Brock graduated with a degree in accounting, and boy am I glad. He takes care of the bills.
Who mows the lawn? I think I have mowed it like 3 times. Come on, that's what husbands are for right?
Who cooks dinner? If dinner gets cooked on the week days, its usually by me, and Brock always makes us lunch after church on Sundays.
Who is more stubborn? If you know me well, you know that I am NOT STUBBORN, and I will never admit to being so. Just kidding, definitely me.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Well, since I have never been wrong it would have to be Brock.
Whose parents do you see the most? Brock's. They live about 5 minutes away, and Brock's mom watches Jace when I go to work. Thank You!
Who proposed? Brock did. 5 years ago this Valentine's Day.
Who has more friends? It's pretty even. Brock and I have a hard time going out of our comfort zone to introduce ourselves to anyone new, so we each pretty much have our same friends from High School. I know, its sad.
Who has more siblings? I do, 3 brothers and 1 sister. Brock has 2 younger sisters.
Who wears the pants in the family? Ummmmm, I don't know. We both wear pants.


  1. thats cute. a husband tag! you and brock are great together. how are you feeling....ready! im sure jace is ready for his baby brother to be here! how fun 2 boys!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. very cute. it is fun to hear more about you two.

    the cupcake website is, i think. if that isn't it.. check my blog for previous posts and i have a direct link.

    you should def. go try them. i bet the baby likes cupcakes!

  4. Jen- I've been thinking of you so much! I hope your not too miserable! Im so excited for you! I hope you have lots of good advise on how our 2 year old's act! Get lots of rest this next 4 weeks/ JEN
