Friday, March 21, 2008

The boys love their aunt Juju

Brock had to go out of town for work this week, so Julia came to stay with us for a couple of days. Jace loves his aunt Julia, and since he has a hard time with his l's he calls her Juju. I took some pictures.

Last week, my mom came to stay with me to help with the baby too. She was so great. She would get up with Jace and bring me breakfast in bed. Then she would play with Jace all day and take Nixon so I could nap. It was so nice. Not to mention she made me lunch and dinner every day also. I was so spoiled. I love my mom and I am so grateful for her.


  1. Nixon is beautiful! That is so nice to have such great help! I am still without a voice, in fact today is the worst I am barely able to get anything out! I can't wait for sick season to be over!

  2. Oh Jenn those pictures get me so exctied to have these babies! He is so little and cute. Im glad you have your mom and sis there to take care of you while your hubby is gone!

  3. How fun to have Julia and your Mom there. Nixon is so dang cute!! What a sweet couple of kiddies :)

  4. ieoysThat is so nice they were able to come stay with you! I think I need to have a baby so I have an excuse to have people come cook for me! Nixon is looking so cute.

  5. Duh, that ieoys at the beginning is me typing the word verification and I didn't realize it was typing up in the comments. I struggle sometimes :)

  6. Oh, Jen, Nixon is soooo beautiful! Can I say "beautiful" about a boy? Well, if not, he is so handsome (just like his bro).

  7. I am glad that i got to meet cute little nixon. He is adorable!
    Got to love awesome mom's like that!

  8. Don't you just love it when family steps into lucky! Julia looks so old now! We also have an Aunt Ju (not JuJu, but close sister Julie) in our family.

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter:)

  9. -K- Jennie, I have not forgot about you!! I got sooo sick after we talked. It was a very good thing we didn't come. My voice was completely GONE. After antibiotics and doctors visits, it is back. I have one more on Monday, and hopefully everything will be better. So, I am still coming, I just don't know when, but I will let you know. Just didn't want you to think I have forgotten:)
