Friday, March 14, 2008

Nixon's First Baths


  1. What a precious little sweetheart! He is so handsome :)

  2. Ok, you must be doing great to be able to walk around the strip and enjoy a nice week-end! Maybe Im a big fat whimp after my C-secions but there is no way my body would have let me do that! He is adorable and it makes me so extremely baby hungry looking at him! How has the adjustment been for your older one? Should I just not worry like I do! Im so happy for you guy's and not to be pregnant must feel absoutley amazing!!!

  3. The first "bath" is so special, but it was scary for me because I didn't know what the heck I was doing! Good thing you and your hubby are pros now and it looks like you are well stocked with all of the necessities! He is so precious...I miss Logan being that small:)

  4. Very cute, I forgot you guys went to Vegas, how fun, it looked warm, did you like the Wynn?? We stayed there before and I thought it was soooooooo nice, I loved the pool area. So I guess we are coming up on Wed to hang out I will see you then

  5. I tagged you for the purse tag go to my blog for info

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Jenn- If you get a sec would you mind e-mailing me your blog e-mail address at Thanks a bunch
