Friday, March 14, 2008

President's Club 2008

Brock and I went to Vegas last weekend with a group from his work. It was an all expense paid vacation that Brock was awarded for his hard work this last year. It was so much fun. We were a little nervous about leaving 1 week old Nixon, but we knew he would be in the best care with Brock's sweet parents.
We flew in Friday afternoon, and checked in to the Wynn. Our room was so nice. It was really great accomadations. We then went to a sweet suite for a nice welcome and then to dinner. I got a big plate of crab legs. Mmmmmmm, so good. Then, Saturday, we went to the Indi race track and got to go about 180 MPH around the track 3 times with a professional driver. It was AWESOME! Each time we got to the turns, I kept thinking in my head, "Don't flip, don't flip!" It felt like we were going to go tumbling at any second! Brock said he had a smile on his face the whole time. That night was a free night to spend as we chose, so Brock and I walked around on the strip and did a little shopping. Then Sunday, Brock was going golfing with a few of the guys, so I decided to get a nice, relaxing massage at the spa. It was so amazing. The spa was so nice. After my massage I sat in the steam room and then got ready to catch my flight back to Utah. We thought it was a little too mean to leave the newborn and Jace longer than that. Brock stayed through Tuesday and had a great time. I can only hope Brock wins President's Club next year too. I'll be able to leave the kids longer and enjoy myself more. It was really fun to get to know the people Brock works with (and their wives) a little better.


  1. I'm so glad that Nicole sent our blog to you. I had seen yours before but couldn't remember how I got to it. When you blog stalk it's not too easy to retrace your steps again... :) Hopefully we do get to see you guys again and that adorable little guy of yours. We told Brock that Nixon probably got so much bigger while he was gone.
    Your family is so cute! I love blogs because then we can all still be friends in between seeing each other.

  2. Yea!!! I'm so happy you have a blog!! Now I will "blog" you all the time!! I'm addicted!! I'm so happy that everything's gone well with little Nixon!! I want to come over to see'll have to let me know when a good time is! I'm way excited!! talk to you soon!! I miss seeing your cute face these past few weeks!

  3. You look so amazing! Your Vegas retreat sounds like is was so much fun and you deserve it! I'm so impressed, I was a wreck for quite a few weeks after I had Logan. You look as though you didn't just have a baby...your one tough chick!

  4. That sounds like such a fun trip! Jobs with perks like that are great! You really don't look like you just had a baby... so cute!

  5. Wow you are brave. I don't know if I could have left my baby, but I am glad you had a great time. That is super nice to have some time away as a couple. SOOOO necessary. I stinking love Vegas!

  6. I didn't know you had a blog. SO nice to find you out on the web! Nixon looks adorable in those pictures.
    So glad things are going well!
    Your vacation sounds awesome and how neat that you got to go in those indie cars! Wow
