Friday, March 28, 2008


We had a really good Easter again this year. It started on Friday night when Jace, Nixon, and I went to my parent's house to color eggs with my brother Dane and his wife Annie and their girls Leah and Bella. Unfortunately, Jace wasn't very interested so he put one egg in the dye and walked away. Oh well, I had fun. Then, on Sunday, we went to Brock's parent's house for an Easter egg hunt. Jace got lots of Spiderman eggs and loved his basket. Brock and I also got a yummy basket filled with candy and other goodies. Then we went to Brock's grandparent's house for lunch. Then on to my parent's for another Easter egg hunt, and dinner. We are loaded up on candy. Our parents are so good to the grandkids. I wonder when we will have to do all the goodies for ourselves. When does that happen?


  1. What cute little "bunnies" you have!! Love the fun pictures :)

  2. Nixon is so precious! What a fun filled easter!

  3. Looks like you had a fun Easter, I am waiting for Shandra and family to get over there sickness so we can all come up together to visit but I guess she has been sick pretty much since she got back from Hawiia anywho I am hoping we will see you this week, even if just me and you do something

  4. Love the blog!! Sounds like you had a fun Easter, I miss being up there sometimes. Nixon is adorable. So fun!!
