Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Friends

I just wanted to take a second and say how grateful I am for my friends. I am so lucky to have such wonderful girlfriends. I love just sitting and talking, hearing your views on different subjects, learning from you, and laughing with you. I don't get to see any of you nearly often enough, but when I do, I truly enjoy our time together. Meeting new people and making new friends is definitely out of my comfort zone, so I am glad that even though we don't live very close (and in some cases in the same state)we have managed to stay in touch. Thank you all.


  1. Jenn- Im glad you have such great friends! It really can get you through the up's and down's! and it's great to just have that connection. The girl's I know that your friends with are amazing girl's! How's that cute baby of yours?

  2. I think friendships are still important even if you don't get together all the time, but it's so fun when we do get together!!

  3. Hi Girl, someone told me that you were a blogger so I came to visit your site, hope you don't mind.

    Nixon is so cute, I think he looks a lot like Jace, they are both very handsome boys I can only imagine how many girls will be calling over when they get a little older, hehe!

  4. PS Oh by the way I have a private blog so please let me know if you would like to see it and I can add you to it :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. k- that was me, above:) I read it and it didn't make sense. oops what I was trying to say...
    I totally agree and love to sit and just talk. I also loved watching Hudson and Jace play, it was so cute. Hudson doesn't interact a lot with other kids yet, so it was fun to see them play ball together.
    I love that Jace has a naked dance, that sounds soo cute and hilarious, they are so fun!

  7. Sorry I left so fast, it's like as soon as Cohen starts to freak out I get all tense and I hurry and leave because I don't want it to bother other people that he's crying anyway I should take a zanex and calm down hehe!! I hope you are coming to mommy movie day....oh and the whole way home I was laughing thinking to myself about Jace throwing the ball at Hudsons head and Hudson didn't even care hahahha that was halarious!!

  8. It was so good to see you and Nixon on Tuesday!! Let me no how that P90X workout is, I'm excited to know!! See you soon!

  9. Hey cute jen, I went private and I'd love to invite you to my blog, so email me at brynn_bell@hotmail.com and give me your email address will ya? Thanks so much,

  10. Getting together with old friends is the best! It makes me miss living in UT:( Hope all is well with your little Nixon.

  11. Jenny-

    Such a cute family. Your little Nixon looks perfect. I am glad to hear all is going well.

  12. Hey guys! Nate and I need your address! Email it to nicjacobson@gmail.com. THANKS!

  13. It's so fun to have such great friends!! It's fun that you guys have all stayed so close. Nothing beats girls nights. Your boys are beautiful!!
