Wednesday, April 30, 2008

2 Months Old

Nixon is two months old already. It has gone by so fast. He was two months on the 28th, and had his appointment today. It is always fun to see how much they've grown, and what tasks they should be doing now, and what they will learn to do in the next couple of months. He is already so different than Jace. Jace was born at 8 pounds 11 oz. and 19 inches with a big old head in the 90th percentile. Nixon was born at 6 lbs. 14 oz. and 19 1/2 inches with a tiny head in the 10th percentile. Jace was always above the 50th in everything while we found out today that Nixon is now weighing in at 10 lbs 2 oz., which is the 20th%, he is 22 1/2 inches long, which is 35th%, and his head is 38 cm, only the 15th%. They look so much alike to me, besides the fact that Jace was much rounder. Nixon is such a good baby. He even slept for 8 hours the other night! While we were in Hawaii he slept for 7 hours at a time most of the nights. It was so great. I'm sure Julia was grateful since she shared a room with us. Anyway, as you all know, as fun as it is to hear the good, it is soooooo sad when the shots come. He had to get 5 shots, and an oral immunization. It was awful. I didn't cry with Jace, but I got teary eyed with Nixon for some reason. I have never heard him cry the way he did today. I felt so bad. But he was such a trooper. He only cried for about 1 minute (if that) and then was back to his happy self. I get so nervous pumping his tiny body with so many immunizations, but they assured me that it is normal and they do it all they time. I hope so. Anyway, he is growing up so fast already, and I am lucky to have another healthy baby boy.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The sweet bliss that is...Hawaii

My parents have a place on Maui and every year they take one of the kids and their family. This year was Julia's turn and a couple of weeks ago she had the idea that I should go with her. Well, once I hear the word Hawaii, I am going to do all in my power to make it happen. I was a little shocked when Brock said he thought I should go, so I booked a flight and the rest is history! Nixon and I packed up and headed out there last Thursday, the 17th and got back yesterday. I was a little nervous about having a 7 week old on such a long flight, but as always, he was the perfect gentleman. He cried for about 10 minutes the whole flight. And the flight home he never cried. I'm sure everyone on the planes were even happier than I was. My parents were such good hosts. They had already been there a week when I got there and had to share a room with me (and the newborn that doesn't yet sleep through the night) for two nights and never said a negative word about it. Then Julia joined us on Saturday and we went to the Volcano. It was really high and so beautiful up there. We drove through all the clouds on our way up, and then once we were at the top we were looking down on the clouds. It was amazing. Then we spent our time at the beach and the pool and shopping in Lahaina. From Saturday to Thursday, Julia had to share her room with us, and again, was so sweet about it. Nixon was really good though. He slept from about 8 to 3 and then to 8 or 8:30 most nights. I love Hawaii. This was about my 6th time, and it never gets old. I was sad that Brock and Jace had to miss it though. I just kept thinking how fun Jace would have had in the sand and water and how fun it would have been to watch him. Luckily, its our year to go with mom and dad next year, so I will get to watch him and Nixon will be one then, so he will get to enjoy it more too. He didn't even know he was in an entirely different state, and such an amazing one at that. I got off the plane in Salt Lake yesterday and it was soooo cold! I hate Utah! It's April! Back to normal life I guess.

Stopping to smell the...Tulips

I got home from Maui yesterday and all the girls in Brock's family were going to the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point so I had to go. It was really beautiful. I can't believe its been five years since I was there getting my Bridal pictures taken in all the tulips. When we got there, one of the workers said that since it has been so cold, only about half of the flowers were blooming so only 150 thousand or so. I can't believe they have 300 thousand tulips! Anyway, as you can imagine, that was plenty. They are so pretty. Nixon and his cousin Beckett were perfect gentlemen and slept the whole time, while I can't quite say the same about Jace. He had a lot of fun though. There is a really big, steep hill right when you walk in and Jace had to run down it. I thought he was going to lose it a couple of times when his legs got going faster than his body! It was so funny! Anyway, I think it ends today unless they extend it for the weather, and I suggest going. It's a little steep at $10 a person, but if you love flowers and want to spend a nice day outside, you should go.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Friends

I just wanted to take a second and say how grateful I am for my friends. I am so lucky to have such wonderful girlfriends. I love just sitting and talking, hearing your views on different subjects, learning from you, and laughing with you. I don't get to see any of you nearly often enough, but when I do, I truly enjoy our time together. Meeting new people and making new friends is definitely out of my comfort zone, so I am glad that even though we don't live very close (and in some cases in the same state)we have managed to stay in touch. Thank you all.