Monday, July 28, 2008

Thank You!

Thank you so much for all of your good advice. I think I made it through the worst part. I have really enjoyed the switch. I know that is probably weird to say, but he's only waking up twice now instead of 4 or 5 times, and Brock can help me, which is really nice. He has really enjoyed being able to feed him. Its nice to know that I can leave him with a babysitter for more than two or three hours at a time too. Thanks again everyone!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

HELP!! I need some advice from mothers...

...who thought it would be a good idea to quit breast feeding cold turkey. I think I may die! I decided yesterday that I am not making enough milk for little Nixon sleep more than 2 hours at a time, so yesterday I fed him at 8:00 am, and called it quits. He refused to take a bottle until about 4:30 yesterday afternoon, only after I pumped and gave him breast milk from the bottle. He then didn't eat again until about 10:00 PM when he did drink formula (out of sheer starvation). Brock gave him a nice blessing to help his little body with the transition, and he has been drinking the bottle with no fussing ever since. He only woke up twice last night! Yahoo!
My problem, however, and what I need your advice about, is what do I do about this horrible pain I am in?!!! Even though Nixon and Jace slept well last night, I was up so many times thinking I may pass out, and that I may explode. I am afraid to breast feed again or even pump, because I want Nixon to get used to formula, but how long does this last, and is there some medication I can take that won't compromise my ability to raise two little boys? I called Nixon's pediatrician, and she said that going cold turkey was the best way to go. What do you think? Please help!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Boys Are Growing Up So Fast!

We gave Nixon rice cereal for the first time about a week ago. I know, I know, they recommend waiting until he's six months, but my doctor said to go ahead and try since he's so small. He probably didn't get more than one or two spoonfuls down since he kept spitting it out, but he's getting better every day, and last night he finished his whole bowl! (It was only about a tablespoon's worth, but I was still happy about it!)

And I couldn't be more proud of my big boy Jace. He'll be three in October and I decided it was time to start the dreaded POTTY TRAINING. I was so nervous because everyone I talked to said that boys are so hard, and to plan on at least weeks, if not months of cleaning up after his mistakes. I guess I lucked out though. Brock and I started our potty training weekend on Saturyday, and he has only had about 4 mistakes since then, and none of them were poopy ones! He has really taken to it and is doing so well. He goes without needing to be reminded most of the time, and even went poop when no one was supervising! He just walked in and did everything on his own. I have never done this before, but everyone keeps telling me how lucky I am.

And lastly, we also moved Jace from his crib to a big boy bed in his new room. I know, its probably a little late, but he is doing really well with this too. He wasn't too thrilled about it, but once he falls asleep, he stays in there all night. Hopefully this will continue, because I do not want him in our bed, EVER!

My boys are growing up, and while it makes me really happy and excited, I have also been a little bit sad. It's strange not to have to pack diapers for Jace anymore, but I love it!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July Festivities

Our weekend started Thursday night. We went to Eaglewood Golf Course to have dinner, play some catch, and watch fireworks. Jace was so excited all night. He kept saying, "It's getting darker, here come the fireworks!" Then of course, once they started he got a little scared at the warning, but was fine once he found us and laid down. Friday we slept right through the Parade we were going to go to, but went swimming that afternoon to make up for it. Jace had a lot of fun with Aunt Ju Ju. We had a BBQ with Brock's family that night, and had our own little firework show in the street. Jace covered his ears the whole time. Saturday was our ward breakfast and parade, and since Brock and I are on the activities committee, we had to be there early to help set up. It was a big success, and the water activities afterwards were a lot of fun. The kids (and men) in the ward took turns shooting basketballs to try to dunk whomever was lucky enough to get dunked. Brock took his turn and Jace made his shot to dunk him. It was really fun. Then, my family always goes camping over the 4th, and since we decided not to have Nixon wake everybody up during the night, we just went up for dinner and games. Overall, we had a great weekend. I love the 4th of July.

Nixon is 4 months old!

Nixon turned 4 months on the 28th, and I took him in for his well check-up this last week. He weighed in at a whopping 12 lbs, 6 oz. (not even double his birth weight!) which was the 10th %. He is 24 and 1/4 inches long, 30th %, and his head was only in the 5th %! We have such a tiny guy! He is healthy and happy, and doing well. We love this little guy!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Jace's New Favorite Thing to Do

Jace has figured out how to open the refrigerator and he does it about a million times a day. He comes to me all day long with new fun things to eat and drink. Usually a can of Fresca or Diet Coke, or the occasional jar of pickles. He is so funny. He opens it up, looks around saying, "Hmmm", climbs up inside, and then comes over with something he NEEDS to eat. That's another thing. He doesn't just WANT anything anymore, he NEEDS everything. It is essential that he has it, or he may die. Opening the fridge is the first thing he does in the morning, the first thing he does when we come home from anywhere, and the last thing he does before we say "No Jace, its too late. Close the fridge." He is usually nice enough to bring two of whatever he finds so that I can have one too. But I quickly figured out that this is just because he needs his own and doesn't want to share. He also needs the whole bag of whatever he is eating. A few crackers and chips is not good enough. "I need the whole bag!" Or, "I need twenty." We love our Jace.