Friday, August 29, 2008

Nixon is 6 months old

I took Nixon in for his 6 month well check-up today. He is doing just great. He is growing and is now 14 lbs 15.8 oz (yeah, I thought they should just round it up to 15 too) which puts him in the 30th percentile. He is 26 inches and in the 45th percentile for height, and his head is 16 1/2 cm and in the 15th percentile. Okay, so he is still tiny, but all of his percentages are up, so I'm happy about that. I have been feeding him rice cereal a couple of times a day for a while now, and the doctor said I can feed him fruits and vegetables. I know its silly, but I am excited. I think I want him to grow up too fast. Nixon made me so happy this week...he started sleeping through the night! I am always nervous to say anything because its usually a fluke, and I don't want to jinx myself, but Saturday to Tuesday night he slept from 10:00 pm to 9:00 am! I was so ecstatic! Then Wednesday night he woke up at like 1:00 am and I decided to let him cry it out. It was hard. I did the whole 5 min. - check on him, 10 min. - check on him, 20 min. -check on him etc. and about 45 minutes later he was asleep for good until 9:30 am. Then last night he went to sleep at 9:30 and slept until 4:00 am. I figured he really must be hungry this time so I fed him. I can't decide what to do. I know he can go all night now, so do I let him cry it out any time he wakes up? My doctor said to feed him only if its been more than 8 hours since he last ate. I will take her advice for now, unless one of you knows something different. Anyway, he got his shots and took it like a trooper. He stopped crying as soon as I picked him up, and was over it. Gotta love boys. He is healthy and all is well.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008


This is what happens at my house when I leave Jace alone with Nixon for more than 5 seconds. This is what Jace has been doing while I have been working on getting my blog updated. Such a nice big brother. He even got it up Nixon's nose. I would love to know what Nixon was thinking.

Canada, Eh?

Brock and the kids and I just got back from Whistler, British Columbia in Canada. We left a week ago Saturday, and got back this past Saturday night. It was our Sanders Family vacation and we had a really good time.
We flew to Seattle with Justin, Maria, and Julia and met up with Grandpa Sanders, my mom and dad, Dane, Annie, and their girls. Justin, Maria, and Julia stayed in Seattle for the night to go to the Brandee Carlisle concert while the rest of us made the drive to Whistler. Its a town kind of like Park City with cute shops all around, lakes, mountains, trees, and rivers. In fact, the 2010 olympics will be held in Vancouver, with a bunch of the events to be held in Whistler, just like when they were here and we used Park City for a lot of the venues. Anyway, it was sunny on Saturday and Sunday so we took advantage and went swimming at the hotel.
Monday through Wednesday was cold and rainy most of the days, but we still managed to have a good time. Luckily the Olympics were on, so we watched them, played card games, and went to yummy restaurants around the village.
Monday we went to a fun lake with a little sandy beach area, volleyball courts, and a big grass area. Again, it was cold, but Brock and Justin didn't mind. They went ahead and jumped in. They must have been excited from the olympics because they each thought they were as fast as Michael Phelps and decided to have a race. Justin won by about a hundreth of a second!
The kids played in the sand, and some of us played with some little plastic rackets seeing who could hit it back and forth the longest. Julia and I lost, even with our record of 5! Justin and Brock got something in the 20s. (these are the games we play when its too cold to get in the water!)
Tuesday Mom, Dad, Justin, and Brock went golfing. The weather cooperated just enough for them to golf. It had rained a little that morning, but stayed dry while they golfed. Brock came home a little upset at his game. It was a beautiful course (so they say) and even though he did win, he was disappointed.
Wednesday we did something called Hydro Bronc. Unfortunately we have no pictures of the contraptions we floated down the river in, and its kind of hard to explain, but we each got in these huge floating "hamster cages" and floated down a rapid river for about a kilometer. (everything in Canada is measured in kilometers) It was really cold slipping into the already wet wet suits, but then once we were in the water I had totally forgotten about that. It was so much fun! Click here to see a picture
Thursday mom, dad, Justin, and Brock went golfing again. This time the weather was much better, and Brock played much better. He was 12 strokes better than Tuesday, which made him extremely happy.
Friday it was a beautiful day. We spent the morning in the pool. Jace has become quite the swimmer. We bought him some arm floaties and he loved them! He loved being able to swim by himself. He would jump in and go under the water and just love it. He never wanted to leave. Then we all headed out to go BUNGEE JUMPING! It was so awesome! Justin, Maria, Julia and I all jumped. Brock is a little afraid of heights (okay, a lot) and my grandpa and parents were way to afraid! Annie is pregnant so they didn't jump. We were on a bridge 160 feet from a raging river below. Maria almost didn't go. They had to count down from 5 like 4 times before she finally decided she could do it. Everyone on the bridge was counting! Then it was Justin's turn, and he didn't even want a countdown. As soon as they opened the gate he said, "Am I good to go?" They said yes and he walked right off. Then Julia went. They counted her down and she paused for a couple of seconds and then jumped. Then it was my turn. I decided to jump backwards. They counted me down and I jumped! I screamed for a couple of seconds, and then I couldn't even make a noise again until I bounced at the bottom. I just kept thinking holy crap, I'm still falling, I'm still falling, I'm still falling! It was seriously so much fun. I love stuff like that.
Saturday we got up and packed and made the 5 hour drive back to Seattle. Brock was stressing out so bad because we had to wait an hour and a half to get through customs back into the U.S. By the time we got through, it was 2:00 and we had a 2 hour drive to Seattle from there and our flight was at 5:00. We still had to get gas, return our rental car, and check our bags. We rolled into the car rental place at 4:10, and now he was really freaking out. When we got to the airport we hurried to check our bags and then saw Justin, Maria, and Julia coming in. The gate agent said they only had three minutes to get checked in before the computer wouldn't allow it. They hurried and made it. Then we had to get through security and down about 6 different hallways carrying two carseats, two kids, a diaper bag and Brock's laptop bag. Thanks to Justin, Maria and Julia for helping out with that. We walked on the plane just in time, and Brock had practically no fingernails left! We both sat down and let our breath out! It was crazy. Anyway, we made it home, and look forward to our trip to Disneyland in October!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What Do You Think...

My cousin Michelle Ross wrote this on her blog. I always love reading what she has to say. Some of you may remember her, she went to Jordan our Junior year. Anyway, you should check out her blog some time for some interesting reads - mostly just her thoughts - but they always get me thinking. I just wanted to hear all of your thoughts on this subject. I shared some of my thoughts with her, and will again on my blog if I ever get time.

marriage - the anti-consumer mindset
Last night I wondered...why do people ever get married? Statistics show that satisfaction in marriage drops drastically after the first year and continues to drop...forever...Why would anyone wish such unhappiness upon themselves I ask?In speaking with some of my classmates today about this very topic, one mentioned that marriage goes against everything we are taught in our consumer society. We are brainwashed to think that there is always something better to come. This year our ipods are the "it" thing but next year it will be completely different and we will inevitably be unsatisfied with our current novelty. We are bombarded with messages that make us feel that what we have isn't good enough. Our phone is considered old a few months after we get it. Our computer software is suddenly incompatible with something 6 months down the road. Our car is a year old and doesn't shine the way it used to. Our clothes aren't in fashion 3 months after we buy them. The list goes on and on, but the message is clear: change is needed for satisfaction and happiness. Maybe that's why so many people are unhappy in marriage. Things were so great at first but then you realize after a short time that you are with the same person and expected to still be satisfied? When we are taught to want something better and newer and fresher? It goes against everything we have experienced in life. That is why marriage is the anti-consumer mindset. You have to learn to be satisfied with what you have. Is it possible I wonder? I just see so many unhappy marriages. So many disillusioned couples. So many people who don't know how to connect anymore with the person they once trusted the most. Being a hopeless romantic I want to believe what a religion professor at BYU once told me: that marriage is a miracle. I want to believe that it doesn't have to follow the consumer culture we are wrapped up in.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bee Haircut!

Okay, so as you can see, Jace desperately needed a haircut. He calls it a bee haircut because of the way the clippers make a buzzing sound like a bee. Smart kid, I know. We decided to bring back the mohawk for a little while before we shave off the entire thing. Cute isn't it?

24th of July Parade and The Cabin

We went to the Bountitul Parade on the 23rd and had lots of fun. We always have pizza and all the parade candy we can handle. We then went to Brock's mom's friend's house to watch the fireworks from her backyard. They have a sno cone maker and Jace loved his green "pine cone". We have done all of this every year since Brock and I met, and it is becoming an even more fun tradition with our kids. We then headed up to Brock's grandparent's cabin for the weekend. We hiked, and played in the water, did puzzles (okay, so I did puzzles, no one else did), watched movies, and ate yummy food. Thanks to all involved. Also, another apology for Nixon waking up at night.