Monday, September 8, 2008

Jaylee's Blessing in St. George

Nolan and Treo decided to have Jaylee's baby blessing this past weekend, so my parents and all of my siblings made our way down to St. George. We stayed in a nice condo and spent our time swimming, golfing, watching lots of football (my whole family roots for BYU, while Brock and I were outnumbered cheering for Utah. Luckily they both won!) eating some great food, and just spending time with each other. The weather was a lovely 100 degrees (BLECH!), so I took the boys swimming in the morning while Brock was golfing, then I went again by myself during the BYU game, and then Brock joined the boys and I between games. It seemed like I was in the pool all day!
Sunday was really nice. Nolan gave a beautiful blessing that had us all in tears, and then we went to Treo's Brother's house for lunch and dessert afterwards. We all headed back up North and realized that the weekend went by far too quickly. I love to see Nolan and Treo so much, and wish they lived closer, but it was really nice to get to hang out with them all weekend. Thanks for being such great hosts! Love you guys, hope to see you soon!


  1. I am going to Vegas this weekend and I hope it' 100 degree wether so I can get some type of color before winter comes, I am thinking I should just by a tanning pass and then if I get skin cancer oh well, at least I'll have a nice tan while I am dying hehehe j/k so what is the facebook photo thing I can't figure it out??? I clicked on it and nothing happened

  2. I love St. George and didn't make it down there once this year :( I guess next year. Your niece is so beautiful! Glad it was such a great day and you guys had such a fun time.
