Monday, September 8, 2008

Jaylee's Blessing


  1. That is Nolan's baby right? She is too cute! I love baby girl blessing outfits. What a special day!

  2. That was such a great shot with Nolan looking down at Jaylee

  3. Jennie, I can't copy the pics for some reason so will you email them to me or make me a CD please. I love the one w her little lip poking out. So sad. She is way to cute. Thanks for taking those. It was good to see you guys. Thanks for coming down. Hope to see you soon.

  4. Jaylee is so cute! I'm glad you guys got to go out there for her blessing!
    Yes, The Aquarium is on 7th E. It is $8 for adults and $6 for kids age 4 and up. Kids 3 & under are free. BUT: It is only $15 for a year membership. I know I will definately go back so I bought a membership. & It is definately worth it. We should go together sometime. Look at your calendar and we'll plan a day!! I'm good any Tues or Thurs!
