Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ward Christmas Party

This morning was our ward Christmas party. Brock and I are on the activities committe so we were able to help keep everything going. I kept the breakfast room stocked and Brock helped with all the take down. We missed setting up last night because we were at a fun Christmas party with old friends from high school. Thanks again Bonhams! In preparation for the big day I took work off yesterday so I could cook all the meat before hand. 8 pounds of bacon and 8 pounds of sausage....yummy! I am pretty sure my house is going to smell like bacon for the rest of time. Gross. Brock and I were in charge of getting all the groceries, and let me tell you, we got some strange looks as we were pushing around 2 carts FULL of food. 14 dozen eggs, 10 gal milk, 14 gal orange juice, 6 HUGE bags of cheese, 10 fruit bowls, a huge box of hashbrowns, 16 dozen little bagels, and more. I thought it was going to be way too much food, but of course, it wasn't. We had a nice breakfast (I realized as the program was going on that I was starving! I never ate since I was trying to keep everything stocked.) Followed by a fun program. I was informed as I got there this morning that they needed me to sing a solo of a song I had never heard, so I was really nervous. Everything went really well though and it was a lot of fun. Then Santa came and all the little kids got to get their pictures taken, and tell him what they wanted this year. Jace asked Santa for games. I hope Santa delivers ;) Nixon fell asleep right before Santa came, so he's asleep in the family picture, but when he woke up I was able to sneak in the line and get a cute one with the boys. Overall, it was a lot of fun, but I am glad its over! Thanks to Amy and Audry who really did all the work.


  1. Jenn- It was so good to see you Friday. I totally have to say sorry for how un organized we are! I swear next Christmas party will be take out and just chillin!~ Thanks so much for coming. We do need a girls movie soon so lets put it together!

  2. IT was so much fun seeing you the other night! You and Brock are darling! I hope he didn't think I was too crazy, when he came over to shake my hand I hugged him instead. This seems to happen to me a lot! It was so great to see you! Let's not wait years in between the next time we hang out!!

  3. Your family is so cute. I still need to take Claire to see Santa, I just don't want to pay the ridiculous fee for a picture! Anyway, I'm excited to see you on Thursday! It's going to be so much fun!!! Oh, just a warning, I'm going to bring my tripod so everyone can be in all the pictures. It's going to be awesome. Unless you have a tripod? Do you?

  4. You would think people in Utah would be used to seeing shopping carts full of the same kinds of food - either for ward parties or their own families... ;)

  5. Oh man... just reading about the smell of bacon and sausage sends me to the toilet!! That sounds like a ton of work. Cute pics of Santa, I still need to do that.....
