Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Will It EVER END?!?!?

Last Sunday night Jace woke up three or four times crying because his stomach hurt so bad. He was so tired though, that we would go in his room, rub his back for a minute, and he would fall back asleep. I hate when there is nothing I can do. Then Monday morning rolled around and he seemed fine. At about 3:00 Brock's mom said that he just started crying and crying and looked like he was in so much pain. I went to go get him, and he didn't even want to get up. I had my work Christmas party that night, so we left him with Brock's parents, and of course, he threw up all over the place. I felt awful. He slept fine that night, and then when I took him to school he really didn't want me to go and he complained of a stomach ache again. I left anyway (being the great mother that I am) and Brock's mom called saying that he wouldn't stop crying and screaming. I called in sick and turned around to go get him. We spent the day at home, but he was just fine. Then that night Nixon woke up several times struggling to breathe. It was Brock's turn to call in sick, so he did, and took Nixon to the doctor. He had croup. They gave him a prescription for steroids, and said we just had to let it run its course. We had a couple of rough nights with him, and I just felt so bad for my poor baby. Then Saturday came around and I woke up with the worst sore throat! My whole body just ached, and I didn't want to move. That continued to Sunday, and then Monday Brock said his throat hurt too. We both woke up this morning still in so much pain, so I decided to get it checked out. Yep, strep throat. I called Brock and he made an appointment as well. Strep throat for him too. Man! I think everyone should stay away from our house for a while! I think though, that by the time Christmas comes (in two days) we will have been on medication long enough not to be contagious anymore, and to be pain free! Lets hope for a Christmas Miracle!

P.S. Actually, I really already got a Christmas miracle. Yesterday, I went to pick the boys up at Brock's parent's house and I had some mail there. We lived there while our house was being built 3 years ago, so naturally, I still get mail there. Anyway, it was from Jordan Valley Hospital where Jace was born 3 years ago, and it was a refund for overpayment of medical bills in the amount of $407.00! Whatever made them catch this mistake 3 years later I am grateful for! Woo Hoo!


  1. Man! That is rough! Your poor fam.

  2. girl!! how crazy! hope you are all feeling better!! and congrats on the refund!! that has GOT to feel good! :) Happy Holidays!!

  3. Ummmm I will kill you if I get strep throat hahaha no really, although being able to have a slumber party with everyone was probably worth it

  4. Um...I promise you didn't get it from me! I had strep last Christmas, though, oddly enough. Hope you felt better by then.

  5. WOW... Your poor family! So how did your Christmas end up? Everyone feeling good now?
    SO COOL on the refund! We over paid when Scotty was born 2 1/2 years ago... (no refund tho). Then because of that, we saved every single payment for the very end (no copays or anything every dr visit.) Well, a few months ago they called saying we owed all this money for Gracelynn being in the nursery! SHE NEVER EVEN SAW THE INSIDE OF THE DANG NURSERY! I kept both my kids in my room the WHOLE time! Crazy hospital bills! HAHA

  6. I love all the pics.. We missed out and the gingerbread house thing but it was good to be w everyone on christmas. Nixon and Jace are so stinking cute and always looking perfect. I love it. Hopefully we will be up there the first of Feb. i know I will be for sure for the dental convention so hopefully nolan can get work off and we can get together again.
