Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Maui 2009

We left for beautiful Maui on Sunday February 22nd. My birthday. What a day to spend my 27th birthday. I would have preferred to have left Saturday so I could spend the whole day laying in the sun, but what can you do? It was a lovely birthday. Brock surprised me and had gotten me a present. So sweet.
The airplane ride to Maui was a lovely 6 hours and 40 minutes. Jace did so great with his DVD player and didn't complain one bit the whole way. Nixon was really good too. Only whining a bit when he was ready for a nap. He took two naps on the flight. It was long for Brock and me though. Man, staying in a 5x2 amount of space for 7 hours was pretty torturous, especially since we couldn't really sleep. Usually we will sleep for a couple of hours to help break up the time. Not with two munchkins in tow!

Here are the boys watching a movie.

And looking out the window.

Then Jace wanted to take a picture. Good job.

Then it was to the beautiful condo. My parents have a time share at the Westin Kaanapali Resort Villas in Lahaina. It was so beautiful. They have several different pool areas. One of them is a huge pirate ship that Jace loved. And another one has a big water slide that we had to go to every day. Brock was so great and would be in the water with Jace the entire day while I layed out and hung with Nixon. I did get in the pool once or twice I think!

And of course we had to go to the beach. There was a really great beach right outside of our hotel room. It was amazing. Jace loved to chase the water down the sand and then run away from the waves as fast as he could with Granny. Nixon loved to eat the sand. It was so much fun.

Brock bought a kite and a frizbee while we were there, so we gave that a try too. Nothing like getting our friz on.

We also did a bunch of lazing around.

Saturday, the 28th was Nixon's first birthday. Brock and I decided to celebrate by having my parents watch the boys and we went to Ruth's Chris Steak House. Oh man. Happy Birthday Nixon. It did not disappoint. I love their buttery delicious steaks. Then we picked up ice cream cupcakes from cold stone to really celebrate.

Then, on Sunday, our last day, our flight didn't leave until 11:30pm, so we spent the day swimming and getting the last few rays of sun. Then we went to Mama's Fish House. Yum Yum. We go there every time we go to Maui, and it never lets us down. They have some beautiful scenery there, and we always have to take pictures.

I am so sad its already over. We have had this planned for about 10 months now, and I have been looking forward to it forever it seems like. And like all vacations, it was over too quickly, and it is on to planning the next trip! On the plane ride home Brock and I were trying to decide when and where we are going next. We're thinking a cruise next January. Anyone can come! Thanks to my mom and dad for letting us come along with them, and for watching the boys so we could hang out just us two. We love you!


  1. How fun! I am so jealous of your trip! You look so amazing by the way!! Wow!

  2. Haha that's awesome that you celebrated Nixon's birthday WITHOUT him. I laughed. Anyway, so, I would love to go there 'cause it looks so great and wonderful but then I look at the pictures of you guys on the plane and I panic. Why oh why must I be so afraid of heights?

  3. Cute pics Jennie!
    So jealous!! I wanna go to the beach! Luved the pic of the two little guys on the sand staring at the water! Thats a classic shot! And Nixon looks just like Phoenix with his shirt off.... sitting there 'moobs' and all! Cute lil men they are!

  4. Looks like an amazing time! Great pictures.

  5. K I don't want to hear anything about your body being anything but amazing! Really, two kids and you have not an ounce of fat or cellulite! I'm so jealous!

  6. Happy B-day to you and your little guy! Nice tan lady:) So jealous...looks like such a blast!

  7. I don't know why but the frisbe thing was making me laugh so hard becuase Seth bought a frisbe when we went to Maui and no one would play with him hahaha. Maybe he should hang out with Broc. Also I love that you ditched Nixon and went to a nice steakhouse to celebrate his b-day hahaha!! Your swimming suit is super cute, where did you get it? I guess bootcamp paid off, you look smokin!! If you really go on a cruise in Jan and if you really are inviting other people to go.....count us in!

  8. I'm so jealous!!!! i am white as powder right now!!!! hey do you go to those playdates on mon. with jen p. i want to come to the next one but dont know who all goes so only if you and jen go!!! well just let me know

  9. you guys should totally move there! it just fits you! looks like a blast and happy bday! you look awesome by the way!

  10. I'm so jealous! We actually have the exact same picture as you and Brock in front of the waterfall pool. We stayed there about 2 yrs ago. It was great! I'm with you - I could move there tomorrow. Your little family is so cute!

  11. I know we just got back from there, but I'm still jealous. :) It looks like you had a great time! Wait... you have 2 kids? Your bod doesn't show it. :) Still coming to SF for work?

  12. Hey Jenny, remember me? I'm Heather's little sis. I gotta admit, I totally blog stalk you :) I think you have the cutest dang family!! Hope it's ok that I add you to my little blog list, that way I'm official right? haha
