Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nixon Turned ONE! (a month ago)

Well, once again, I am behind. My sweet baby boy turned one on February 28th. We were in Maui, Nixon's second time being there. Lucky boy. We celebrated with a little icecream cupcake from Coldstone, but waited until we got home for his party. We were busy until Saturday, March 14th, so we had his party a little late. He didn't seem to mind, except for the fact that the entire week before his party he was so so sick. He had a really bad cough and fever, was throwing up and wouldn't eat. We took him in to the doctor and he had a double ear infection, and RSV, or a "cousin" of it. Anyway, by Saturday, which also happened to be the day we got our Sanders Family pictures taken, he seemed to be over the worst. He had a fever while he was opening presents, and was kind of sad and quiet most of the party. All the other kids had a blast though!
We had all of our family over for pizza, presents, and cake and icecream. Nixon wants to say thank you to everyone for all of his fun presents. He has loved every one of them! So has Jace.
At his one year appointment he weighed 18 lbs, 11 oz. (25%)so no facing forward in the car seat :( I'm pretty sure Jace was 20 lbs at 9 months. So crazy how different two babies from the same parents can be. He was 28" tall (10%) and his head was 17" (<5%). Yes, we still have a teeny guy. He is crawling all over the place, has four teeth on top and two on bottom and loves to grind them! I can't stand that sound! He loves his binky and his blankie. He sleeps through the night, eats all foods, and loves his bottle of milk at night and in the morning. He is just the sweetest baby. He says dada, baba, and boy. Boy comes out sounding kind of like bwee and it always ends on a high note. Its really cute. He has recently learned that he can climb the stairs which has been fun for us. He points at everything whether he wants that thing or not. He just loves to point.
We are so blessed to have Nixon in our lives. He brings us such joy, and Jace loves being his big brother. They are so sweet together. I love my life!


  1. Wow that was fast that he turned one! He sure is cute! How fun to have your b-day in hawaii!!

  2. I was looking at your Hawaii pics - nice bod Jen! That boot camp did the trick. It seems like you had so much fun in Maui and your boys are adorable.

  3. Sorry he was sick, does not sound fun. Nixon is such a cute baby, and so lucky to have already gone to Hawaii twice!

  4. What a cutie! I love that he's still so teeny. And your cake-writing looks awesome. Mine always seems to melt off.

  5. Such a cute lil guy!!
    The party looked like a lot of fun!
    I can't wait for Nixon and Phoenix to meet! : )

  6. Happy Birthday Nixon! He is such a sweet little guy. Too bad he didn't feel very well :( Looks like a fun party!
    p.s. One of my friends just got back from Hawaii and ate at Mama's fish house and said it was the best meal she's ever had!

  7. Okay..Dre wanted me to make sure you knew that was me answering (matthew). Dre would never be that "short and to the point."
