Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Big Boy Jace

These stories are mainly for my parents who are in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which is 14 hours ahead of us, so I can't just pick up the phone and call them every time Jace does something smart or cute or funny or... you get the idea.

This morning when I was dropping the boys off at Daycare, I got Nixon out of the car and when I went to shut it it bounced back at me. I looked all around and couldn't see anything in the way, so I tried it again. (Softer this time) Still, it wouldn't close. Jace asked me what I was doing, so I told him the problem as I tried it a few more times. He grabbed the handle and said here mom, let me try this. Maybe this will work. I thought, "Yeah, that's gonna work. Nice try." He pulled the handle in and out a couple of times, and then gently shut the door. It worked! Whatever he did worked! He said, "See mom, I told you I could do it." I said, "Yes you did. Thanks Jace. You were right." He's only 3 and he already knows cars better than me!


  1. Don't you just love those moments! My 8 year old is constantly showing me up! It's even better when they're really little, like your little guy! Love his name by the way!:)

  2. I love reading all these stories about your boys. Especially the book and fock one!! So funny.
