Wednesday, May 6, 2009

San Francisco

This past weekend I was able to go to San Francisco for work. It was one of our many festivals, and they thought I should check it out, to see how things run. Anyway, I flew down with several of my co-workers and ended up having so much fun.
We got there Thursday around 1:00, and after I got all checked in and fed, my friend Lindsey Harman, who lives like 5 minutes from where my hotel was, came and picked me up. She did my hair of course, and I am officially back to being a blonde! I love it. We met up with everyone else in China Town for a yummy dinner at Cathay House.
Friday I didn't have to work until about 1:30, so I woke up late, ate breakfast, worked out, took a bath, got ready and met up with the others for work. (If it must be called work!) We were done by 6:00, and so a couple of my co-workers Josh and Mindee and I went to pick up Lindsey and head into the city to see a Giant's game. It had been raining on and off all day, and rained the whole drive there, but once we were there, hot dog in hand, it didn't rain the whole night! It was really fun. The rain must have scared people away, because we got to sneak into some really good seats. The Giants won 3-2. What a beautiful stadium too, by the way.
Saturday I worked in the morning, and then again that evening, with a bath and a nap in between. The boys went to a movie, and the girls went back to get to bed.
I got home Sunday around 1:00, and when I came around the corner Nixon got a HUGE smile on his face, and got on the ground and waddled to me. (did I mention he walks all around now?) When he finally made it to me (I kept moving further and further back so he would have to walk further) he gave me a big hug, and just laid his head on my shoulder to cuddle. It was seriously the sweetest thing. I'm glad to have people that miss me when I'm gone, and are happy to see me when I get back. Jace would have done the same thing, but he was napping....probably not.
Anyway, it was fun. I'm glad to be back. Now I am counting down the days to Maui. T minus 8 days, and counting! We had to switch it to Maui because of the dang over-reacting media. I guess we'll just have to suck it up and enjoy ourselves in Maui! It'll be hard, but I think we can do it.

Here are some pictures of San Fran:

Me and Miss Lindsey at the baseball game after we had stuffed ourselves with Giant Dogs and Nachos!

This is Josh, Mindee, Lindsey and Me.


  1. How fun that you got to go and meet up with Lindsey! I am officially back blonde as well!!! I couldn't do it any longer! Glad that you had fun!

  2. FUN, and I love cute Nixon. He LOVES his mom!
