Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I Am a Mother

One of my greatest joys is being a mother. I have been blessed with 2 beautiful boys(if I do say so myself!), and hope to have another child at some point. I didn't have an especially great day on Sunday, but I am grateful every day to be Jace and Nixon's mom. Jace was in his first Primary program on Sunday. Well, not really a program, but they did go up there and sing "I See My Mother Kneeling". I thought he would be too scared to go up all by himself, but he walked right up there only turning around a few times to make sure I was watching. He was in the front row, and his head barely peeked over the banister (or whatever you call it). He put his head on his hands and kept looking for me. Every time he saw me he would give me a big smile. He didn't sing a word the entire time, but I was so proud just the same. I wanted to cry. Cheesy, I know. Anyway, when the song was done, he walked back down to me, and I gave him a big hug, and told him what a good job he did, and how proud I was. He looked up at me and said, "Mom, I didn't even sing." Yeah, I know, but I was proud anyway. Then later in the day, when we were all over at Brock's grandparent's house, he sang a song for me. "Thank you mom for all your hugs, all your hugs, all your hugs. Thank you mom for all your hugs, they feel good to me. Thank you mom for all your kisses,etc. Thank you mom for all your love, etc. Again, I wanted to cry. He learned this one at school. I love my Jace.
Being a mom has taught me such wonderful lessons, and showed me an entirely different side of life and love. I definitely have the "guilty mom" thing going on since I work full-time, but I really think it helps me to enjoy them even more, and not take my time with them for granted.
Yesterday I was feeling really depressed all day. Just overwhelmingly sad for no particular reason. The second I walked in the door at home and saw Jace stop playing in the sink to yell, "MOM!" and Nixon give me a huge smile and wave to me, I felt so happy. They really can make all the difference to me. I really love being a mom. Having someone to love me no matter what, and want me to hold them when they are sick, or cuddle with me when they are tired. (Brock does that too, but I am talking about being a mom) There is just no greater joy.
It has also given me a greater appreciation for my own mom. She is truly such an amazing person. I love her more every day, and hope to raise my children in the same honorable way that she raised us. She has taught me many things, but the one I cherish the most is how to love unconditionally. It was always known in my home growing up, that no matter what we did, or didn't do, no matter how mean, or selfish, or annoying we were, our parents were still going to love us and be there for us. I hope my boys grow up knowing that.
I am a mother, and I love being a mother.


  1. That is such a beautiful post You are such a GREAT MOM and you have beautiful kids.

  2. What a cute little tribute to Motherhood. There really isn't anything better than being a Mom! Glad you had a great MOthers Day

  3. That is soo sweet! I love it; your boys are so lucky. You are such a loving, adoring mother! I hope the Maui sun can also cheer you up:)

  4. The kids did such a great job on Sunday. I was in tears as I was helping them sing! We are so lucky to be their mommies!

  5. I am glad we got pedicures and went out for dinner last night. I feel like I don't see you enough so I am always so happy when you arrange our girly nights. I hope you have fun in Maui!!

  6. And you are such a good mom Jennie.

  7. Those two little boys don't fully realize just how lucky they are to have you for their mom. Don't worry, they will (in about 20 years).

  8. JEnn- It was so fun to see you as well! You look amazing! You skinny hott mama! Im glad you guys got away for a few days with the kiddos to enjoy a piece of heaven!
