Monday, July 27, 2009

Marathon Results

Okay, if my last post wasn't enough, here's a little more. We went and bought the Deseret News paper on Saturday to see how they did against all the racers, and we were blown away! Kallie came in as the 20th woman out of 165! 20th!!! Brock came in as the 74th man out of 327! Can you believe it? We were so excited! That is amazing for a 1st and 2nd timer! So in all, they were 92 and 93 out of 492. Brock said that he just wanted to be better than half of the runners. They were better than 80% of the runners! If you can't tell, I am extremely proud. This is something that I will probably never do in my life, and I am living through them! CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN YOU TWO!

Oh, and P.S. the sign that says that Brock totally ADOPTED that race is an inside joke thanks to my sister-in-law's nephew!


  1. Wow what a great accomplishment. Way to go Brock and Kallie! That is AMAZING!! Your hubby sure is an inspiration to us all. Congratulations again Brock!

  2. We are also very proud and know all the work you put into preparing to run this race.

  3. That is so amazing!! Way to go Brock!

  4. You got some great pictures! I need to get them from you. We definitley needed your cheering to keep us going.
    I love the pictures of the boys hugging and the new one of Nix too.
