Friday, July 24, 2009

Brock and Kallie Run the Deseret News Marathon!

Again, there are a lot of pictures on this post. Running a marathon is such an amazing thing, I had to document as much as I could. Especially since as soon as Brock crossed the finish line he said "I am so glad that is over. I am never doing that again!" Knowing him, he will. This was his second. His first was in Dublin, Ireland while we were dating about 7 years ago. He ran it with no training, and came in at about 4 hours 15 minutes. It was Kallie's first, and they have been training together now for a few months. Running almost every day, and doing their long ones on Saturdays. I can not believe how amazing these two are. They are inspiring. Their goal was to complete it in 3 hours 40 minutes, and as you will see in the picture below, they came in at 3 hours 41 minutes. But if you count the three bathroom stops along the way (which I do) they beat their goal! That comes to about 8 1/2 minutes per mile! For 26 miles! Truly amazing! I am so proud of you both! As we speak, Brock is sleeping. They had to be there at 3:15am, and start running at 5:30am! He could barely walk when we got home. I hope Kallie is doing okay. Here are some fun pictures.

Here we are making posters the night before the race.

This is Brock's aunt Brenda. She got all serious, and had to pull her hair back. It looks so cute!

Rubbing Jace's hands with paint to make handprints. And the result.

We left at about 6:30am so we could meet them along the route and give them some encouragement. We saw them twice along the way.

Here we are waiting for them to arrive. Brock would text me and let us know when they were about a mile out. It was so exciting for us!

Jace and Nixon were supporting their DADDY, and Beckett was supporting his MOMMY.

Here they come! Get your signs ready!

They looked so great! I have to admit, I got a little choked up when I first saw them. This was at about mile 18. They don't even looked tired! Brock said the next two or three miles after this were the hardest.

Here we are at the next meeting point.

Running by, again, they look great!

We got to the finish line and met Kallie's husband Brett's parents, and some of Brock's co-workers. It was so fun to have everyone's support! I know Brock really appreciated it! They did awesome, and I am so proud. Again, I got choked up as they finished. Running a marathon is no small feat. They have done something that not many people can say they have. WOW! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH!

Here I am getting a big sweaty hug. LOVE YOU!

Jace said, "I'm all wet from Daddy's hug."

Here is Shawn, Melissa, and Ann from Brock's work came. They are so sweet!

Here they are. Jace said, "Mommy, who won the race?" I told him that everyone who crossed the finish line won.

Here are some randoms after the race. Nixon found a really cute friend, Jace took one of Brock, my boys, Brenda giving Brock a massage, Nixon giving Daddy a kiss, and our cute family.



  1. That is so awesome! I got choked up just reading about it. Congrats brock, i wish i could have been there to see you at the finish line!!! I am so proud!

  2. That is a great time, especially for such a tough course!
    You are a wonderful wife and supporter. I know I always appreciate my family when they come. I know it's lots of work to cheer on the runners too!
