Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer Means Swimming!

Okay, there are about a million pictures here because we have gone swimming every day this week! We love it! First, Brock took the boys to his parent's house...AKA "The Keddington Water Park" for some fun swimming, playing in the sprinklers, and squirting each other with water guns while I was on my Provo River tubing trip with the girls. Then, Monday I took the boys with Brock's mom Shauna, Aunt Brenda, cousin Chloe, Sister Kallie and her boy Beckett to Brenda's daughter Chelsea's apartment for some fun swimming. He got his first swimming lesson without floaties on, and is almost a pro! (We won't mention the near drowning when he forgot to tell anyone he was jumping in while no one was looking.) Then Tuesday it was off to Dane and Annie's house to play in the water with Leah, Bella, and my cousin's baby Allie. They also had a really fun bouncy house that Jace loved! He would get in, jump around, get out, turn off the blower, get back in, let it deflate, get out, turn it on, and start it all over. He did that over and over and over. He sure loves his cousins! Wednesday we went to Cottonwood Heights Rec Center with a bunch of my cousins, and siblings, but no camera. Thursday we were off to Daybreak to visit the infamous beach we had heard so much about. It sucks, don't go. Just kidding. It was so much fun! I just don't want it to get any more crowded! Jace jumped of the dock over and over. He told me he was going to run fast, so I told him to run Really Really fast, and he said, "mom, I am going to run all the reallies fast! Like this." (then he moved his arms back and forth really fast, which was a sight with his floaties on!) Then he did, he ran "all the reallies fast"! He is so cute. A few of my friends that live in Daybreak came, and so did Nolan, Treo, and Jaylee. I know there are a lot of pictures, but I hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great slideshow. I can't tell you how much I miss those little guys.........and you bigger guys too.

    Love, Dad
