Wednesday, September 16, 2009

GO Red Hawks!

Sorry, I have been so lazy about blogging lately, but we have, as always, been very busy around here. Jace got to start soccer this year, and has been having so much fun. It took a little while for him to really get the hang of it, but since he scored his first goal he has been unstoppable! Game one was kind of anticlimactic for us since Jace just kind of followed the main pack and stayed out of the way. We kept telling him to go get the ball, kick it, score a goal, get in there, etc. And he was so confused. Okay wait just a second. My whole life has been filled with comments like, "Share the ball." "Don't take that from him, he had it first." Don't be mean, wait your turn." And now you want me to go against everything I've ever been taught?!?! "Take the ball away!" "Use your elbows!" "Push him down!" Okay, we never said that, but you get the idea. Game one ended with our team having scored one goal, and we all stopped counting how many the other team scored! Then came game two. It was looking like it was going to be the same thing. Jace was a few steps behind everyone, letting them have their turns, and waiting patiently for his, when he looked to the sidelines and saw my brother Justin cheering him on. His eyes got really big, and he had a huge smile on his face, and it was like he really had someone to impress now. Sorry to Brock's family who has been there at every game. I guess we're just not good enough! It was Jace's turn to do the kick off, and he just stayed right with the ball the whole way down and scored his first goal! We were all so excited! He scored 4 more in a row after that, and the end result this time was our team, who knows? Seriously, I counted 5 for Jace, another little boy scored 9, and another two scored at least 5 each. Sorry for the green team this time. They only scored 1. It is so funny to watch these little kids play. They fall all over the place, try to grab the ball with their hands, and boy do they cry. I'm proud to say Jace only fell apart for a few minutes game one, and has been fine the rest of the time, but that poor green team this week. They were all crying most of the game. Poor kids. Anyway, it has been so much fun for all of us, and here are a few pictures.
This is game one against the yellow team. Even though he didn't win, he sure looks cute!

Here he is against the green team.

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