Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Jace started his second year of preschool on Monday, and was so excited to go back and see all of his friends he has missed this summer. One of his very best friends, Cole, was gone though having graduated and started kindergarten this year. He still talks about him, but he didn't seem too upset when he got there and didn't see Cole. It was really cute that morning while getting ready, he asked where Nixon and I were going to go while he was at school. I told him that we were just going home. I continued getting Nixon ready and when I looked back at Jace his eyes were watering, and his chin was quivering. I asked what was wrong, and he started crying. He said he really wanted Nixon to stay with him at school. I tried to explain that Nixon isn't old enough. You have to be 3 years old, and Nixon is only 1. He was pretty upset about it. That is, until we got to school and he saw all of his old friends and totally forgot about Nixon. I guess I was glad. I set Nixon down so that I could take pictures and he started crying. He thought I was going to leave him. This is the same place that he had daycare for 9 months, so he figured I was leaving him too. I was happy to be able to console him, and take him home with me. Jace, on the other hand, couldn't have been happier to see me go, and only broke down when I picked him up to take him home. He did NOT want to go! School is way more fun than mommy and Nixon at home! Well, that may be true, but sorry! Gotta go. He was screaming! He has school now on Mondays and Thursdays, so I guess we'll see how it goes tomorrow. Here are some pictures.

Putting on his own "pack-pack". "Is this right mom?"

He is so cute, if I do say so myself! Every day when I finish getting him ready I tell him how handsome he is. This day, he grabbed my handheld mirror, looked at it for a while, and said, "I AM a handsome boy!" He's so funny.

Here is Nixon, looking up to his big brother.

And walking in. I love how their backpacks are almost as big as them at this age!

And here he is inside. It was like they had never been apart! As soon as Jace walked in, they all came running to him yelling his name. It was really fun.


  1. Oh he is such a cutie! Isn't going back to school always bitter sweet!

  2. He IS handsome! You have such cute kids! So old..!!!!

  3. What a handsome little boy he is!! He is a doll!

  4. So stinkin' cute that he wanted Nixon to come with him. What a cutie, he is so funny!
