Sunday, October 25, 2009

Black Island Farms

Jace's preschool class got to go on a field trip to Black Island Farms last week. I went along, and brought Nixon. It was freezing, but the kids didn't let that stop them from having a BLAST! They got to go on a "Hay Ride" which didn't have any hay around the farm, and look at all the things they grow. Then they stopped at the pumpkin patch, and each got to pick one pumpkin to keep. Jace got to pick 2 since Nixon didn't really get what was going on. It was so funny because all the kids got off the trailer and ran as far away as they could searching for the perfect pumpkin. Jace got off, walked right up to the first one he saw, and picked it right off the vine. Then he needed one for Nix, so he found the one right next to his and got that one. We were the first ones back. Then it was off to the fun play area. They had a bouncy house, a cow train, slides, and even some musical instruments. The kids all had so much fun. We were supposed to eat lunch out there on the picnic tables, but it was so dang cold that we decided to eat on the bus. All in all it was a really fun field trip!

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