Monday, October 26, 2009

Family Pictures 2009

We got our annual October family pictures taken a few weeks ago, but I haven't wanted to post them until everyone knew that I was pregnant in the pictures. Yeah, its pretty obvious, and I hadn't told my whole family until Friday, so now I can post them. My friend Stephanie West did them, and did such a great job. Now if only I could learn to stop getting pictures taken when I am pregnant! I always look like such a cow! The empire dress doesn't help much. Oh, and Nixon pretty much refused to smile the whole time. What can you do? Anyway, thanks Steph, and I will definitely be coming back to you in 10 years or whenever you're ready to pick it up again!


  1. Those are some dang cute pictures! You have such a good looking family. Love your dress. Arent those long maxi dresses the best?! I'm obsessed, I have so many that now my kids ask me why I'm not wearing a dress today if I happen to grace the world with a pair of jeans! They're just so cozy, feels like pajamas!

  2. These pictures are beautiful! You guys have such a cute family!
