Monday, December 28, 2009


This year we had another amazing Christmas. It started out Christmas Eve at Brock's grandparent's house with delicious dinner, reading of Christmas stories, including Luke chapter 2, and jammies.

Here we are after popping our fun poppers. They have these hats and a toy in them. Jace's toy was a magnifying glass.

We told the boys (Jace, Beckett, Nixon) that we were going to say a prayer to get them to hold still... didn't last very long.

Jace and Nixon each got to open one present. They were thrilled! So were the girls(Kallie, me, Natalie)

Then came Christmas day. It was a long, fun day filled with lots of family time. First we had our own little family present opening session at our house.
We let Jace cut the last ring on his countdown that he made at school.

Our tree

The boys seeing the presents under the tree for the first time. We had been keeping all the presents in our room until then.

Going for it!

Then we made our way to Grandma and Grandpa Keddington's house for some more present opening. Unfortunately (or fortunately for you) I didn't get many pictures of this. It was so great though, like always. Jace just kept saying "Its just what I wanted!" Although, I kept thinking, when you go through every toy catalog, and every toy aisle at every store pointing to everything you see saying, "I want that for Christmas" you're bound to get something you wanted. We just nodded and said, told him he must have been a very good boy this year. After everyone had finished opening, grandpa told the boys to head downstairs for one last present. They LOVED it!

Then it was off to Brock's uncle Gary's house for the annual Keddington Christmas morning breakfast of scones, hashbrowns, fruit, and all sorts of deliciousness. I brought Julia along since she doesn't have inlaws to take care of her while our parents are gone. Again, no pictures.
We made it back to our house in time to get things cleaned up before my brothers and sister came over for our present exchange. Nolan and Treo couldn't make it, but Justin, Maria, Dane, Annie, their girls, Brock, me, our boys, and Julia were all there. We ended up going to Denny's (the only place open) for some lunch. Its crazy what one has to resort to when mom and dad's famous smorgasbord is happening in Malaysia without us. We were able to all gather around the computer for a few minutes though, and Skype them in. And they even sent presents for the boys (and the baby girl) which they LOVED. Here are some pictures of those.

Granny and Grandpa got Jace this awesome Bumblebee transformer glove that makes noises, and shoots. It goes perfectly with the Bumblebee mask that Brock had picked out for Jace.

They got Nixon this riding Mater truck. He loves it so much! And Jace loves to push him, at very dangerous speeds, in the kitchen around our island.

Then it was back to Brock's grandparent's for, yup, you guessed it, more presents. As you can see we were very spoiled, as we are every year. I just can't believe I have to wait 362 more days! Unless you count my birthday, then I only have two months! Yippee! I hope you all had a very merry Christmas as well, and that you have a Happy New Year!


  1. Sounds like a fun Christmas. Im sure it is different not having your parents here, good thing you have such great in-laws. I love the picture of your boys on the train. That's an awesome gift.

  2. Jace's face is classic when he is showing off the Bumblebee hand thing. Love your post!!! Love Mom

  3. sounds like a way fun Christmas and I love the boys big choo choo train, how fun! And what are you talking about, you keep saying you look huge, you're tiny, I can't even see a belly on you! Have an awesome new year :)

  4. glad you had a great christmas! that train is so awesome! what a cool gift.
