Sunday, February 21, 2010


In preparation for this baby girl, we decided we wanted to get a bunkbed for the boys. We will be moving Nixon into Jace's room, and will be making the nursery a little girl nursery. We got it at Ikea, so we had to put all the pieces together ourselves, and since it came in natural pine, we also had to paint it black. Keep in mind, that when I say "we" I mean Brock. I didn't do a thing.

Here it is in its natural state.

And here it is after a few coats of black stain.

Putting it together.

Me, keeping Nixon busy so he wouldn't bug daddy.

And, the final product.
Jace loves it so much! He was so excited to go to bed the first few nights, and get to sleep on the very top! We haven't moved Nixon in yet, and have no plans to until we get started on the nursery. And who knows when that will be.

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