Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Good News, Bad News

I had my regularly scheduled appointment with my doctor today, and surprise surprise, she had no idea about my hospital visit on Sunday. She was out of town, and when she got back in, she called the hospital to see if anyone had gone in, and they said no. Anyway, not a big deal I guess. I told her what happened, so she did the usual - checked the baby's heart rate, checked my urine, weighed me (and gasped, jk) - and then checked to see if I had dilated any further (no), and did the strep test (that's a fun one). Anyway, I am supposed to go in weekly from here on out, and she was originally going to make me have an ultrasound next week to see if the placenta had moved, but because of the bleeding, she asked if I could come back in at 1:00 for an ultrasound, this was at noon. So I took the boys to McDonald's and let them play for an hour, and then headed back up. The baby (who is still a girl, yes I made her check AGAIN!) looks great, plenty of amniotic fluid, heart beating, yada yada, and my placenta has completely moved out of the way of my cervix! I was so thrilled to hear that! That means no c-section (unless something else goes wrong). We went out and gave my doctor the good news, but now she is more concerned because she was sure that the low-lying placenta is what had caused me to start bleeding. And it still could have been low on Sunday, and moved since then, so it could have been the reason, but she doesn't know, so she wants me to come in on Friday for a NST (non-stress-test) to make sure all is well. I guess they will just monitor the baby and my contractions for a half hour or so. Then I go in next Tuesday for my normal appointment. I am supposed to take it "very easy" for the next little while, so sorry boys, you are on your own! I'll be in bed the next 5 weeks! Okay, so I'm not really sure what "very easy" means, but I assume I still have to feed my kids, and keep the house in one piece, so hopefully that won't affect anything. Anyway, I can still feel her kicking like crazy, so I haven't been too worried, but I hope I'm not too unconcerned. I am supposed to go to the hospital immediately if I bleed again, or start having contractions. Its always so comforting when your doctor tells you stuff like that while looking and sounding nervous herself. Anyway, I'll try to keep you all posted - if you care! And thanks to everyone for being so willing to offer help! I have the best friends and family!


  1. Can I bring you dinner one night this week??? I mean it!! Please please call me!

  2. Um yes I do care :) Keep us updated and Wow you're right, good news and bad news huh. I am so thrilled to hear your placenta moved, what a relief. Just take it easy and if you feel anything is wrong, seriously get your butt to the hospital. Hey if you want to take it easy come visit me in St. George, we can go shopping for out lil girls.(we can have the husbands push us in wheel chairs)

  3. What an eventful week! Glad to hear everything is going well for now. ;) I know I'm far, but I'm thinking of ya and can't wait to hear the updates. :) All the best! Excited about this little girl!

  4. I would love to help or have your little guys come play. Let me know!

  5. Hey Jennie! Glad to hear everything is ok with the baby. The NST is super chill. They just put the heart rate and contraction monitor on you like when you in labor and you just get to lay in bed for 30-60 minutes and watch TV!! Kinda a nice break...Good luck with the little one!

  6. What a big scare but I am so happy things are still going well and the baby is healthy. You are so close just hang in there a tiny bit longer baby girl, hehe! So glad the placenta has now moved that is such a big relief. Let me know if you need any help with your boys I am usually home :)

  7. Oh, I am so glad to hear all is well. Bleeding can be so freaky when you are that far along. Yay, too, that it is still a girl! :) You crack me up! Can't wait to see her when she comes. Hang in there.
