Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Latest...

So I went in today, hoping to talk my doctor into inducing me this Friday (yeah, I know, wishful thinking) and walked out with an induction date a week later than we had talked about! How did that happen, you ask. Well, you see, my doctor forgot that next week is Spring Break for her kids, and she would rather spend time with them at home than a few hours with me! So last week, when I asked if she would take me a week early, and she quickly responded with, "Oh yeah, I was thinking more like 2 weeks early." She obviously wasn't thinking about Spring Break. I guess its a good thing. Every time we do the non stress tests the baby is great. She did an ultrasound again today (still a girl) and there is plenty of amniotic fluid, and she looks great. I guess I can be unselfish and let her lungs develop a little more. She asked if I wanted to go on the 13th or 14th, and just so that she won't ever have a birthday on Friday the 13th (lame, I know) I chose the 14th. So Wednesday April 14th it is. That is of course unless she decides to make her own early entrance. (I can still hope can't I?) This gives us a little more time to decide on a name (aaaaaahhhhhh!), maybe get her nursery ready (doubt it), and she'll only be 10 days old when my mom gets here, instead of 3 weeks! Anyway, that's the latest. I have to go in next week for more testing. I'll post, if anything changes!


  1. How exciting to have your due date. And my birthday is April-13th and there have been a few times it has fallen on a Friday but thankfully nothing bad has ever happened (phew ha ha ha). And I laughed way hard at your story above, that is too funny.

  2. :( Sad, I was so hoping I'd be here. I won't be able to see her until she is a whole DAY old.
