Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Cute Boys

Okay, so this morning before my doctor's appointment (updated post below) I was ironing in the front room, and Jace had to go potty. Nixon started following him into the bathroom so Jace said (in his cutest mommy voice) "Do you want to come with me Bud?" I love when he talks in his high pitched sweet voice like that. Anyway, they were in there for quite a while just chatting away, and I got to listen. Jace used his sweet voice the whole time, and kept calling him bud and buddy. Then I hear Nixon say, "Wha Dat?" and Jace says (still talking sweetly), "Oh those were just some little farts, I'm going poo." Ah, do I have the cutest, sweetest boys or what? I can't wait to have a little girl in the house with me who doesn't burp, fart, poo, or talk about any of the above. (that is true isn't it?)


  1. ummm i'm going to go with no on that one haha. claire talks about going poop and farting all the time. but, she could just be a different sort.

  2. Those boys learned it from someone and I think it was you Jenn. Love Mom

  3. That is too cute! Boys are so funny. :)
