Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a great Easter this year, like always. It started Saturday with a big Easter Egg hunt at Woods Cross Elementary. The boys got lots of eggs full of candy, and even got their picture with the Easter Bunny! They went with their cousin Beckett, and it was FREEZING! What is with the weather this year???

Then Sunday we woke up to snow on the ground and went to Grandma and Grandpa K's house for another egg hunt and breakfast. The boys had lots of fun looking around the house for eggs, and finding so much fun stuff in their baskets. We're so glad the Easter Bunny leaves stuff for us at their house since he never leaves stuff at our house! Brock and I even get to search the house high and low for our own eggs and baskets. Both this year and last year I have ended up not being able to find one of my eggs. Last year for Christmas the missing egg was in my stocking (they finally found it!) and I guess we'll see if they find the one from this year! Luckily for them, they are just the plastic eggs and they don't have to worry about it stinking up their house! We then went home to watch Conference and have naps, then to Grandma Bills for Easter dinner (Julia came with us) and grandma B's birthday celebration. She turned 88 on Easter this year. Thanks Dale and Shauna for everything! Oh, and try to ignore my huge belly in Nixon's Easter basket picture! I wasn't thinking about that, and of course, Brock didn't tell me to get out of the way!


  1. ha ha ha I love that you guys get ot find Easter eggs too, and that last years was put in your stocking. I wish I lived closer. Our boys are so close in age and doing the same things, Stock is also loving soccer, and here we are having our third kid, which is a girl. How are you feeling by the way. And honestly your belly doesn't look HUGE, you look great and you only have like a week left, LUCKYYYYY!

  2. Whatever, your belly is adorable! Glad you guys had a good holiday.

  3. The one picture of Nixon looks like the egg is hidden on the top of his head. funny. Big, schmid, you look great!!!

  4. Hey, Jennie, just thinking about you this week. Good luck. I am sure all will be perfect. I am so excited for you guys to have your sweet angel girl here. Can't wait to see her.
